Domestic Work and the Architecture of Emancipation
Lilian Chee, Silvia Federici and Daniela Ortiz dos Santos, "Domestic Work and the Architecture of Emancipation." Contemporary Feminist Spatial Practice, Arch+ v.246, (February 2022), 66-75.

Since the 1970s, Silvia Federici has been in the front line of the international feminist movement, first in Italy and then in the USA, where in 1975 she started the American branch of the activist group Wages for Housework. Since then, Federici has been living and teaching in New York and her writings have become a fundamental reference for feminist groups demanding the recognition of full labor rights for domestic workers worldwide. Lilian Chee is Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture of the National University of Singapore. Her research investigates topics like public housing, domesticity, and how gendered divisions of labor affect the production of space. For this ARCH+ issue, Federici and Chee met Daniela Ortiz Dos Santos to talk about the struggles of domestic workers, those of architects, and how the two overlap affecting the material condition of all women.